Your motor liability claim investigations are in extremely capable hands
All of the loss adjusting team here at Kingdom are experienced in investigating motor liability claims.
Accident statistics from the government show that nearly 30,000 people were killed or severely injured in road accidents to the year ending June 2017 and there were nearly 180,000 injuries of all severities in the same year. From experience, and with this many accidents and injuries happening on the roads every year, we understand that there can be a wide variety of changeable factors and requirements from case to case.
We treat all cases totally impartially, and with our experience in investigating claims, gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses and attending hearings, we have the insight and acumen to recognise and highlight any issues. We comment on the credibility of witnesses as a matter of course and, if there are any fraud indicators, we bring them to the attention of instructing principals without undue delay.
In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of fraudulent low level injury claims, not helped by the ease with which someone can now bring an accident claim through the MOJ Portal. All of the Kingdom team are experienced in running cases through the MOJ Portal, adhering to the strict time limits, whilst being wise to the possibility of fraud.
Our motor liability claims management services include carrying out locus in quo inspections, although Google earth has helped in this regard tremendously. We can also manage third party motor repairs where liability is not in dispute, and arrange for alternative transport, where this is necessary, in order to keep the claims cost down.
We take first, third party (where able) and independent witness statements and give opinion on policy and legal liability in all cases.
We handle MIB untraced and uninsured driver agreement cases and have vast experience dealing with injuries of the utmost severity, arranging rehabilitation and assisting in the formulation of structured settlements where appropriate.
Liaison with solicitors instructed in cases which do not settle is second nature to us, and we attend court hearings, assisting inĀ putting witnesses at easeĀ prior to giving evidence where required.
If you would like to know more, please contact us using the details below.
We are always happy to talk to you about your needs, or answer any questions you may have for us. Simply fill in your details and we will give you a call back as soon as we can.