Our loss adjusters handle all types of casualty claims, right the way from straightforward cases to complex liability claims involving several parties
Our casualty claims services are tailored to you, to provide simple investigate and report only advice, cradle to grave handling, or a mixture of both.
We have experience in a wide range of industries including construction, leisure, retail, transport, property and pharmaceutical. Tell us what you need and we will deliver it, we’re flexible!
We get to the root of the matter whether it be an accident at work, an injury to a member of the public, or a motor accident. We gather evidence and narrow the salient issues early, providing an unbiased, balanced policy and legal liability opinion, identifying fraud and third party recoveries.
We are happy to work within your existing framework solution or to build a bespoke casualty claims investigation and handling solution tailored to your needs. We work to the timescales laid down by the UK rules governing civil procedure, whichever country that may be, and expect to report in good time to enable principals to consider the position and decide on the most cost effective way to handle their claims going forward.
We are equally happy working under a delegated authority and are confident that our experience and professionalism lead to the best outcome for any casualty claim, whoever the instructing principal.
You can rest assured in the knowledge that only experienced and qualified loss adjusters will be handling your claim. We can count on the assistance of external advisers if necessary and we instruct appropriate consultants where required, for instance where a rehabilitation provider might be able to get an injured party back to work, or where expert evidence is needed in relation to a particular aspect of a special damages claim.
Our aim is always to keep the claim lifecycle as short as possible, as we all know claims don’t get cheaper with age. Reserve accuracy is crucial and we keep up to date with developments in multiplier calculations, so no nasty surprises at the end of the claim!
If you wish to speak to one of the team and explore possible opportunities to work together, please contact us using the details below. We look forward to hearing from you.
We are always happy to talk to you about your needs, or answer any questions you may have for us. Simply fill in your details and we will give you a call back as soon as we can.